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Love Education C.I.C
is Love Literacy's sister company

Empowering communities; enriching lives

Love Education C.I.C aims to continue and expand Love Literacy's work, that's why we work with disadvantaged and minority ethnic groups and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Our project

Focuses on young people from minority ethnic groups

We will hire Arts practitioners to support disadvantaged children and young people to develop their literacy, oracy and confidence through the Arts. We will host quarterly showcases that will bring families and communities together so they can share in their children's progress. We will utilise practitioners from multiple disciplinaries to work with our children and young people.

About Us

We offer academic tutoring, mentorship, coaching and arts education to enable young people to gain work in their local communities.

Who We Are

Love Education staff

Love Education C.I.C. is a recently formed organisation which carries out and promotes activities for the benefit of the local community, specifically disadvantaged and minority ethnic groups and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Our most consistent work is on Saturdays with young people who engage in a 'Creative Hour', led by local businesspeople and entrepreneurs in a range of disciplines. Here, students engage in the Arts, Sciences, wellbeing, the world of medicine and sport, to name a few.
Community fund
Sponsored by
The National Lottery
Community Fund

Raising the academic outcomes for learners

Contact us to discuss your Students' needs